Scanning Services

There are many reasons why organisations are deciding to digitise their information.  With ever improving technology, work is no longer a place to go.  This is giving rise to agile working becoming more of the norm.

So whether the paperless office or the less paper office is your goal we can help you convert the information you hold on paper to a more useable digital format.  Most organisation now recognise the value of holding their information electronically and see scanning their paper as an effective way to preserve important information while also saving storage space.

Digitizing your records provides many benefits to the organisation and the staff, such as:

Documents are easier to track
Retrieval becomes very quick and consistent
Time savings can be considerable
Time is money so there will be a cost benefit
Space & Storage savings – no more filing cabinets or offsite storage
Improved document security through user access
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So how do I start to digitise my documents?

At Social Print and Copy we recognise that your organisation is unique and while you may share common tasks with similar organisations, experience tells us the processes won’t be exactly the same. That’s why we offer a range of scanning services to meet your individual needs and budget.

So how do I start to digitise my documents?

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At Social Print and Copy we recognise that your organisation is unique and while you may share common tasks with similar organisations, experience tells us the processes won’t be exactly the same. That’s why we offer a range of scanning services to meet your individual needs and budget.

Scanner Hire – enabling you to scan your files at your pace.

When organisations decide to digitise their paper documents they may require extra scanning capacity.  So whether you are looking to hire a scanner for a few days or a few months, we are happy to provide a rental agreement to meet your needs.

We offer a flexible service including delivery, set-up, on site instruction for the equipment.  This option includes support and maintenance for the period of scanner hire. We also offer an optional suite of software to help you manage and store your electronic information.

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Scanner Hire – enabling you to scan your files at your pace.

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When organisations decide to digitise their paper documents they may require extra scanning capacity.  So whether you are looking to hire a scanner for a few days or a few months, we are happy to provide a rental agreement to meet your needs.

We offer a flexible service including delivery, set-up, on site instruction for the equipment.  This option includes support and maintenance for the period of scanner hire. We also offer an optional suite of software to help you manage and store your electronic information.

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Supported Scanner Hire – We help your team in your office.

Good paper scanning starts with good equipment, but if you need to go to the next level we can help by offering the services of a scan operator. Someone who can help with the workflow, check the document integrity both before and after scanning to ensure you get the results expected for the project.

With this offering we provide an option for online content management so your documents have a secure destination.  Providing easy access from any location and helping you to work more effectively.

Supported Scanner Hire – We help your team in your office.

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Good paper scanning starts with good equipment, but if you need to go to the next level we can help by offering the services of a scan operator. Someone who can help with the workflow, check the document integrity both before and after scanning to ensure you get the results expected for the project.

With this offering we provide an option for online content management so your documents have a secure destination.  Providing easy access from any location and helping you to work more effectively.

Full Scan Service – Full collection and Scanning solution.

The next level of scanning service we offer is a full managed solution where we will.

Assess the documents to be scanned and agree on what you want to achieve from the project.

Collect your documents, prepare for scanning and index each file with the correct naming convention into a folder structure in PDF/A format or add them into a content management solution, to meet your specification. Spot checks and User testing is also completed at this point.

The original documents can then be returned to you or we can securely shred and dispose of them on your behalf.


At all stages of this process, we work to ensure your information is secure and safe and have systems in place to ensure we maintain the highest quality standards.

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